10 Delightful Facts About Pekingese Dogs
Pekingese are compact, incredibly fluffy and full of love. Look at their smushed little faces and tell me they would not be the absolute cutest addition to a family. Pekes might be tiny, but...
10 Adorable Pet Halloween Costumes You Need To see
Halloween is right around the corner! And while we're sure you're trying to come up with the perfect costume for yourself, don't forget your furry friends! Pet Halloween costumes are so adorable, you just...
Doug The Pug Is Literally You
Q: What has way more Instagram followers than you, incredible style and four legs? A: Doug the Pug
This curly-tailed cutie from Nashville has been sweeping the media by storm. This tiny pup has managed to...
From Near Death To Instagram Superstar
If you needed further proof that all dogs deserve a second chance, just take a look at Daisy Underbite.
Daisy was abandoned on the streets of Los Angeles due to her congenital leg deformity, which makes it...
22 Shaming Photos That Only Dog Owners Will Appreciate
Owning a dog is one of most rewarding things in life. Dogs bring so much happiness to their owners that we always find it hard to believe there are people out there who don't have dogs. That is...
WATCH: Why You Should Treat Your Pets Like Children
How many times have you referred to yourself as mommy or daddy when talking to your pets? Every day. How often do you swaddle your dog or cat like you would a baby? All the...
This Kitten Has One VERY Unusual Habit
Meet George Cat, a munchkin exotic shorthair cat who has a very unusual habit.
You see, while most cats like exploring the world on four legs, George prefers two. That's right, the 8-month-old feline has...
Adopted Dog Refuses To Eat Alone
No one likes eating alone, not even little pups. Just take a look at this cute dog video of Bonnie and Clyde.
Titled "Bonnie Hates Eating Alone!" this YouTube video shows Bonnie and Clyde's owner...
AMAZING: Rescued Cat Think He Is A Nurse
Meet Radamenes, a polish rescue cat who is changing the lives of every animal he meets.
According to Mashable, Radamenes lives at an animal shelter in Bydgoszcz, Poland. Although Radamenes himself was pretty sick with a respiratory infection when he...
22 Cats Who Just Need Some Space From You
Your cat loves you no doubt, but every once in a while he or she might just need some space from you. Whether your feline just wants to take a nap, relax or have a...
WATCH: Hundreds Of Corgis Frolic On The Beach
Hundreds of corgis running on a beach. Some dressed in bathing suits, others in their birthday suits. Need we say more? Probably not, but we will.
On April 11th, more than 500 hundred corgi dogs...
HAHA: 32 Of The Best Dog Vines EVER
We just cannot get our fill of cute dogs, we just can't! And while cute dog photos are great, there's nothing better than a funny dog Vine. Vine is a social media platform that allows...
John Legend Sings At A Dog Wedding
There are few things we love more than when celebrities and dogs come together. Take for instance this video of John Legend performing at a dog wedding.
The 36-year-old musician appears in a video for...
28 Picture Perfect Dog Easter Photos
Before you know it spring will be here, and you know what means? Easter is closer than you think. While things like Easter candy and Easter grass should never come in contact with your...
Cats Who Are Super, SUPER Cozy Right Now
There are few creatures in this world who know the importance of comfort and rest like cats do. In fact, cats can sleep anywhere from 16 to 20 hours a day -- even more...
The Weirdest Things My Cat Eats (or Tries To)
My cat, Lucy, has always been pretty weird. The first time we met, she was playing with a twist tie like it was the most amazing thing she'd ever discovered under a sofa cushion. Meanwhile, she...
26 Adorable Kittens You Need In Your Life
It seems like everyone really enjoyed our post of the 17 cutest puppies ever, so how could we not round up cute kitten photos for all of our cat-loving readers? These kittens are so...
PHOTOS: Proof That Dogs & Cats Can Be Best Friends
For some reason, there's this myth that dogs and cats just can't get along. Sure, in some cases that might be true, especially if you're dealing with an independent feline and a rambunctious puppy....