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paralyzed dog

Paralyzed Stray Pup Finds Forever Home

This story is just what we need to warm us up on this cold December day. According to BuzzFeed, Canadian model Meagan Penman, was walking...
dog training house breaking

The 411 On House Training Your Dog

One of the most frequently asked questions about training and puppies is this: What is the best way to house train a dog? Some people...
petsmart black friday sales

Petco. & PetSmart Black Friday Sales!

If you're anything like us, you're searching the internet for the best Black Friday deals. Luckily for us pet parents, we can even score...
dog rescue cause for paws

Star-Studded Dog Rescue Event To Take Place On Thanksgiving!

We highly suggest you skip the Thanksgiving football games this year and opt for "Fox's Cause for Paws: An All-Star Dog Spectacular." Cause for Paws...
most poisonous foods thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Foods That Are Toxic For Your Pet

Thanksgiving is right around the corner! We don't know about you, but it's definitely one of our favorite holidays, and for a good reason:...

The Scary TRUTH About Electric Fences & Shock Collars

There are lots of families who live in urban settings and use an electric fence to keep their dogs on their property.  This is...
dog's nose is dry

5 Real Reasons Your Dog’s Nose Is Dry

There's a thought that just because your dog's nose is dry, it means he or she is sick. And while this is absolutely a possibility,...

Surefire Ways To Acclimate A New Pet To Your Home

In the acclimation circle there are two distinct camps: cats and dogs. Cats are by far harder to acclimate to a new household particularly...
pumpkin pie cookies thanksgiving treats

YUM: Pumpkin Pie Cookies For Pets!

With Thanksgiving coming up, we think it's important to get our pets in on the celebrations. Of course, there are many foods that dogs...
Socialize Your Puppy with Other Dogs

Tips To Help You Socialize Your Puppy

You’ve just brought home a new puppy. Congrats! But what do you do now? Socializing dogs with dogs, people and situations is the easiest way to...
best dog toys kong

The Very Best Dog Toys

There is nothing quite like watching a puppy play with a toy.  Yes, cats are cute, too but there something about a puppy chewing...
safe humane chicago court case dogs

Must-Read: Amazing Chicago Rescue Program

The story of a dog getting rescued by animal control or police after being abused by their owners, is an all-too common one. The...
vet questions ask

5 Questions You Should Always Ask Your Vet

An end-of-the-year check up is a great way to make sure your pet is going into 2015 with a clean bill of health. Knowing...
Rules when driving with you dog in the car

The 411 On Holiday Travel With Your Pup

There’s nothing quite like heading home for the holidays. And if you're playing on taking your canine with you, well that can only add...
animal quotes

17 Animal Quotes That You’re Going To Love

Ah, many a great men and women have said some wise, wise words about their furry friends. So many great authors, celebrities and comedians...
disneyland paris tiger

Disneyland Paris Is Getting Stalked By Unknown Animal

Most of the time, we're pretty good at identifying animals. However, it seems like we, along with the rest of the world, is in...
african grey parrot matthew mcconaughey

MUST-WATCH: Parrot Impersonates Matthew McConaughey

Ready for your LOL moment of the day? Check out this amazing video of Einstein the Parrot impersonating the one, and only, Matthew McConaughey. Einstein,...
animal cruelty awareness cara delevingne

Cara Delevingne Launches Animal Cruelty Awareness Campaign

A new celebrity is raising animal cruelty awareness. Cara Delevingne has teamed up with New Hope Animal Rescue and Talenthouse to launch an #ArtForAnimals campaign, that...
