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veterinary questions

15 Questions All Cat Owners Need To Ask Their Vet

Sure, you've been bringing your cat to the vet for years, but have you been asking the right questions? There are certain questions you...
Poisonous Plants and Your Feline

What To Do If Your Cat Eats A Poisonous Plant

Pets can be like perennial two year olds: They put everything in their mouths, and cats in particular love to chew on plants. Some plants,...
Therapy Cat

Train Your Cat To Be A Therapy Cat

We’ve all heard about therapy dogs working in hospitals and nursing homes, but did you know that you can train your cat to do...
Inappropriate Urination cat

Inappropriate Urination: Is Your Cat Missing The Point?

Life with a cat can be absolutely wonderful, but what happens if, all of a sudden, your cat stops using the litter box? What causes...
feline hyperthyroidism

Does Your Cat Have Feline Hyperthyroidism? Here’s How To Keep Sane

Lucy is 13, and like many 13-year-olds, she likes to stay up late, make lots of noise, and eat pretty much everything. But since...
cats in bed

Cats Who Are Super, SUPER Cozy Right Now

There are few creatures in this world who know the importance of comfort and rest like cats do. In fact, cats can sleep anywhere...
cat Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Does Your Cat Have Inflammatory Bowel Disease?

Sometimes I look at photographs of my old life, the life I had before Bob came into it. And it makes me sad because...
weird things cat eats

The Weirdest Things My Cat Eats (or Tries To)

My cat, Lucy, has always been pretty weird. The first time we met, she was playing with a twist tie like it was the...
cat diabetes

How to Live With a Diabetic Cat

Your cat is starting to exhibit some unusual signs. He seems to be missing the cat box with regularity and camps out by his...
swollen paw

OUCH: Why Are Your Cat’s Paws Swollen?

It’s quite rare to see a swollen paw on a cat.  Because of that, if you find that your cat’s paw or paws are...

PHOTOS: Proof That Dogs & Cats Can Be Best Friends

For some reason, there's this myth that dogs and cats just can't get along. Sure, in some cases that might be true, especially if...
Cat Brain Cancer

Cat Brain Cancer Symptoms And Treatment

Is it true that cats can have brain cancer? Sadly, yes. While it is rare, older male cats seem to be the most likely...
cat harness train

Training Tip: Getting Your Cat to Wear a Harness

Does walking a cat on a leash seem odd to you? It might, but having your cat take a stroll outside in a supervised...
treat cat wound at home

How to Treat Your Cat’s Wound at Home

Cats are every bit as susceptible to minor scrapes and cuts as we are. These aren’t the things that are going to threaten your...
Poisonous Foods

11 Poisonous Foods You Should Never Feed Your Cat

Yes, cats are finicky eaters but they’ve also been known to get into human foods that can really hurt them. Just like the danger between...
cat eat grass

Why Do Cats Eat Grass?

So what is it about cats eating grass?  We’ve all seen them do it and then we see them throw up right afterward. The...
best cat food wet dry

What’s Better: Dry Or Wet Cat Food?

You know what the real difference is between dogs and cats besides the obvious ones? Dogs eat anything and cats won’t. It can be downright challenging to...

SHOP: Great Orthopedic Beds For Senior Cats

Do you have a cat who’s older than seven years old? If so, she has joined the ranks of senior citizens. As she gets older,...
