
dog park, dog park rules, dog park mistakes

Dog Park Do’s and Don’t’s

Dog parks are wonderful things, right? They allow dogs everywhere the opportunity to run free, exercise, socialize, and soak in the great outdoors – a great thing considering most homes don't actually have adequate...
sleeping puppy photos

21 Photos Of Puppies Who Are Just Exhausted From Being Cute

Sleeping Puppy Photos Being a puppy is not easy. Do you know all the strength it takes to be so cute and cuddly? Well, it takes a lot! That's why, to honor of the adorable puppies...
Portuguese Water Dog facts

Breed Spotlight: Portuguese Water Dogs

Chances are you are unfamiliar with this type of pup, but once you learn about it, you'll likely want one for yourself! Not only are Portuguese water dogs beautiful, but they're also a fairly rare...
dog poop facts

Everything You (Never) Wanted To Know About Dog Poop

What good could come from learning about dog poop? You may find yourself asking that question instinctively after reading the title of this article. Rest assured, you'll be glad you know what you know...

OMG: Old Dog Enjoys Her Last Car Ride

Having to euthanize a pet is probably one of the more painful experiences owners go through. It's just like loosing a member of the family, and the thing is, animals are so helpless and...
Dog-Friendly Gardening

7 Tips For Dog-Friendly Gardening

There was recently a story in the news about action star Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson losing one of his beloved French bulldog puppy to poisonous mushrooms found in a backyard.  The poor pup had the...
cinnamon toxic dogs

Is Cinnamon Toxic To Dogs?

With the holiday season coming up, the question that has many canine owners concerned is: Is cinnamon toxic to dogs? Most dog owners use cinnamon at some point or another when cooking. And while...
Canine Good Citizen training

Canine Good Citizen Training for Every Dog

The American Kennel Club has a test called Canine Good Citizen or CGC. This testing is the start of the process for becoming a therapy dog and is an exam every dog should train...
george clooney dog

George And Amal Clooney Adopt A Shelter Dog!

Celebrities, they really are just like us. Case in point? George Clooney and his wife Amal Alamuddin, who just adopted a shelter dog in California. According to Us Magazine, the newlyweds adopted a Basset Hound mix named...
Calm dog breeds

10 Delightful Facts About Pekingese Dogs

Pekingese are compact, incredibly fluffy and full of love. Look at their smushed little faces and tell me they would not be the absolute cutest addition to a family. Pekes might be tiny, but...
puppy scratching a lot

Why Does My Puppy Scratch?

You hate to see man's best friend, your little buddy who follows you around and loves to cuddle and play, itch to the point of misery. It is often a problem with puppies, and...
pet halloween costumes

10 Adorable Pet Halloween Costumes You Need To see

Halloween is right around the corner! And while we're sure you're trying to come up with the perfect costume for yourself, don't forget your furry friends! Pet Halloween costumes are so adorable, you just...
dog food guide

The Ultimate Food Guide For New Dog Owners

Congratulations! You just adopted a new dog into your family, but what you do about feeding her? You’ll want to use the best, most affordable dog food and that’s what this post is about. We...
stop dog barking at home

Stop Your Dog from Barking When Left Alone

Barking among dogs is no different from talking among humans. Despite it being a form of communication, we can't overlook the fact that some dogs bark excessively, especially when left alone. This kind of...
bretagne 911 rescue dog

Last-Living 9/11 Rescue Dog Gets An Amazing Celebration

Today is a day that has every American reflecting on 14 years ago when terror attacks were launched on the United States. These attacks made the date 9/11 a mournful one. That's why, it's so nice...

Three Powerful Treatments For Dog Allergies

Sometimes we neglect to think about the fact that dogs have allergies too, but in any case, they do, and sometimes they're bad. You can tell when your pup doesn't feel good because they...
stop dog digging

Should You REALLY Stop Your Dog From Digging?

More often than not, we hear of dog digging as a tremendous problem. Owners gripe and complain about this unwanted dog behavior and wonder how in the world they can get their pups to...
pet separation anxiety

What Causes Your Pet To Feel Separation Anxiety?

Dogs and cats crave companionship from their owner, and when they have to go without, sometimes things get ugly. Defecating or urinating in the house, chewing furniture and becoming aggressive are all major issues...


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