One Thing You Should NEVER Put On Your Pets

You may recognize the essential oil in the title of this blog post. Tea tree oil is used to treat skin conditions in humans as a means of alternative medical therapy. It’s a native of Australia and, lately, some pet parents have decided that it’s a good idea to use on their dog or cat. What’s the problem? The tea tree oil that humans use is 100%. That concentration can be lethal to your pets. The only safe amount for your cat or dog is anywhere from .1% to 1% and even then it is not a recommended therapy.

Where Does it Come From?

The tree used to extract oil is very similar to a myrtle. While the origin started in Australia, the tea tree has been brought to the United States and flourishes in warm climates like Florida. The oil itself is yellow and sports a smell similar to camphor.

Uses in Humans and Pets

Tea tree oil is a topical medication to help with things like acne, burns or even insect bites. It’s toxic to both humans and pets if ingested by mouth. According to, results of a 10-year study performed by veterinarians on tea tree oil toxicity showed the lack of labeling and label warnings as a key reason for illness.

Why it’s Toxic

The toxicity in tea tree oil comes from a chemical called a terpene. This is the element that makes tea tree oil effective against things like bacteria and fungus. The issue for pets when using a 100% oil, is that if you use it on their skin, they will tend to lick it off and the risk of toxicity increases.


Of course it depends on the amount swallowed but minor symptoms can include drooling or vomiting. Moderate toxicity includes weakness and difficulty walking. There can even be some life-threatening symptoms such as seizures.

Toxicity Treatment

Treatment is really based on the level of toxins in your pet’s system. If the toxicity is mild, baths will be important. You may even have to take your pet to the vet to have them induce vomiting if the symptoms worsen.


Since it is so easy to miscalculate any amount of tea tree oil to use on your pet, veterinarians recommend that you don’t use it for any reason. If your pet is suffering from a skin condition, have your vet recommend another therapy.

Have you tried tea tree oil?


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