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snake bite safety tips

Snakebite Safety Tips For A Safe Summer With Your Pet

Every year, some 300,000 cats and dogs are bitten by venomous snakes in the U.S. Summer is the most active season for snakebites because...
best tv dogs

13 Of The Greatest Movie & Television Dogs Of All Time!

Greatest Movie & Television Dogs Many dog owners take the plunge to finally adopt after seeing or falling in love with a dog on television....
sleeping puppy photos

21 Photos Of Puppies Who Are Just Exhausted From Being Cute

Sleeping Puppy Photos Being a puppy is not easy. Do you know all the strength it takes to be so cute and cuddly? Well, it...

DFP Test

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boswellia for pets

Boswellia For Pets With Pain

Most owners want to do all they can when they see their pets in pain. A common disease that dogs in particular are prone...
Portuguese Water Dog facts

Breed Spotlight: Portuguese Water Dogs

Chances are you are unfamiliar with this type of pup, but once you learn about it, you'll likely want one for yourself! Not only...

Spotlight On The Humane Society Of The United States

When you think of a large scale humane society, does your mind automatically go to the ASPCA? That’s a natural leap because they are...
pet cancer signs symptoms

Pet Cancer Awareness Month: Common Symptoms To Watch Out For

November is Pet Cancer Awareness Month, and just like with humans, pet cancer can be painful and deadly if not caught immediately. But unlike...
adopting a pet

Science Says You Need To Adopt A Pet

If you've been thinking about adopting a pet, we think it's officially time to make the plunge. Although it's a huge responsibility, owning a...
fun pet facts

Pet Facts To Keep You Entertained At Work

There's no question about it, even though they're not human, pets are family. Though our little beloved creatures are animals, they're huge parts of...
cinnamon toxic dogs

Is Cinnamon Toxic To Dogs?

With the holiday season coming up, the question that has many canine owners concerned is: Is cinnamon toxic to dogs? Most dog owners use...
Canine Good Citizen training

Canine Good Citizen Training for Every Dog

The American Kennel Club has a test called Canine Good Citizen or CGC. This testing is the start of the process for becoming a...
The Center for Pet Safety

OMG: If You Drive With Your Pet, Read This

Taking your pet along with you for a ride in the car is not an uncommon thing. After all, there are crates and carriers...
Calm dog breeds

10 Delightful Facts About Pekingese Dogs

Pekingese are compact, incredibly fluffy and full of love. Look at their smushed little faces and tell me they would not be the absolute...
puppy scratching a lot

Why Does My Puppy Scratch?

You hate to see man's best friend, your little buddy who follows you around and loves to cuddle and play, itch to the point...
pet halloween costumes

10 Adorable Pet Halloween Costumes You Need To see

Halloween is right around the corner! And while we're sure you're trying to come up with the perfect costume for yourself, don't forget your...
stop dog barking at home

Stop Your Dog from Barking When Left Alone

Barking among dogs is no different from talking among humans. Despite it being a form of communication, we can't overlook the fact that some...

Three Powerful Treatments For Dog Allergies

Sometimes we neglect to think about the fact that dogs have allergies too, but in any case, they do, and sometimes they're bad. You...
