5 Important Cat Safety Tips

cat safety tips

Cats are known for entertaining the masses and for getting themselves in interesting predicaments, to say the least. Maybe it’s their curious natures, maybe it’s their comical personalities; whatever it is, there’s no question that sometimes they end up in situations that are scary or dangerous, to say the least. Here’s what you can do to keep your cat safe.

Keep Your Cat Indoors:

Indoor cats live longer, healthier lives than outdoor cats. Cats who are free to roam outdoors have less of a home base, and face all kind of dangers on a regular basis: cars, predators, other cats, exposure to disease and poisons found from waste or natural substances. In addition, even if you have an indoor/outdoor cat, the more time your pet spends outside, the more likely they are to get lost. Keeping them indoors is the number one way to keep them safe.  Bringing Home a New Cat

Cat Proof Your Home:

Did you decide to keep your cat indoors? Good! Now cat proof your home. Cats are so curious and can be very active, it’s important that you secure things that need to be secured, and don’t allow them to eat things they shouldn’t eat. Heavy, movable objects will topple surprisingly easy if a hurried cat rushes by and knocks it; those rubber bands look mighty tasty to an interested feline. Eliminate any chance for a heavy crash or choking hazard by monitoring what’s accessible to your cat in your home. 

For preventing cat anxiety, you can give cbd oil for cats

Make Sure Cats Have Visible Identification:

It’s going to happen at least one time: Your cat’s going to get out. They’re curious about the outdoor world, and if they’re not scared enough to stay in, they’ll likely try to get out to see what it’s about. In the case that your cat slips by you, try to keep a tag or a collar on it so that if he or she is found, your contact information is right there on them. At the very least, have them microchipped with your information when they’re kittens. 

Reference – Should I Cut My Cat’s Whiskers?

Give Cats What They Need:

Cats love heights and tight spaces, so don’t make them seek that out on their own; this is how cats get stuck. Provide a cat tower or walkway on a porch where they can perch up high, and where you can safely get to them if you need to. They love to play in little boxes, so give them an appropriate box to play with on a regular basis so they don’t squeeze themselves into a dangerous area that’s inaccessible to you. 

Monitor Their Cat Play:

Lots of cat toys aren’t really safe for cats. Strings, for example, are dangerous in that cats will play with them, accidentally swallow them, and they can get wrapped easily in their intestines. Monitor the toys that come into your house, and play with your cat often so you know how it is that they play. 

Cats are fun, but need to be monitored closely. Follow these five cat safety tips, and you’re well on your way to keeping a cat safe and healthy for the duration of their life.


  1. […] No, this doesn’t mean that you put a GPS chip in your cat. Cats naturally have a homing device and have even been known to travel hundreds of miles to go back to the place they were familiar with. The danger is when a cat is scared and doesn’t trust his inner compass enough to get your cat home safely. […]


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