Surprising Celebrities Who Own Cats

The saying might stateĀ that dogs are a man’s best friend, but we like to argue that cats can also be a great buddy for the right person. Take for example celebrities. Since they’re always on the go, it makes sense that a little kitten would better suit their needs than a dog, especially since our feline friends tend to be a bit more independent than a pup. So, if you didn’t think scooping litter, cleaning up hairballs and a few scratches could be glamorous, we’re about to prove you wrong with our roundup of celebrities who own cats and absolutely adore them. Scroll through, and let us know who we missed!

James Franco

james franco cats

Not only is Franco extremely good looking and talented, but he is also a cat person. Franco gushed about his cats on theĀ Ellen DeGeneres show.


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