Would you consider adopting an exotic pet?
Some of us just like to be a little more exotic when we choose our companions. There is nothing wrong with wanting a pet that’s a little different from the normal four legged furry kind. As a result Exotic Pet Ownership is on the rise.
Three things you should take into consideration before you adopt an exotic pet:
1. Always check with your local (township, county, and state) government for bans and restrictions on exotic pets.
2. Be sure that your exotic pet is able to be kept in captivity without developing serious health problems.
3. Research the risks of having an exotic pet. While some animals that are poisonous or dangerous can be (mostly) safely kept as pets, others are strongly recommended to not be kept as pets.
Three Exotic Pets to Consider
There are quite a few locations in the United States that have bans on skunks as pets, mostly for the protection of the animal. States that do allow pet skunks usually require permits, licenses, in-state breeding, and specific veterinary care. The skunk has particular dietary needs and can develop health problems if they are not properly met. Skunks are able to be litter trained and socialize with humans. More importantly, skunks that are bred for domesticity usually have their scent glands removed at about four weeks of age. Skunks are an intelligent and curious animal that make a fine pet if all their needs are properly met.
Pet tarantulas one of the most exotic animals in the world. Tarantulas are relatively easy to care for and are fascinating to watch. There are hundreds of different species of tarantula, each having its own set of needs in terms of care and habitat. Tarantulas are poisonous, which makes them a dangerous pet. They also have barbed hairs that cause itching and inflammation. Handling a tarantula is dangerous, especially for an inexperienced person. While tarantulas are legal to own as pets in the United States, it is not recommended to keep a poisonous pet in a home that has small children or other animals that could easily be harmed by this spider. If you care to take the risk of owning a tarantula, know beforehand the procedure you should follow in case of a bite.

Keeping a hedgehog as a pet is illegal in some of the United States. In the states where keeping a hedgehog is legal a permit is sometimes required. Hedgehogs require very large habitats; in fact they will become physically sick if their enclosure is too small. Their needs are very specific when it comes to what should be included inside of their habitat and the temperature of their home. They have specific dietary needs and are known to become overweight when kept in captivity. Hedgehogs have been domesticated for about thirty years; this has altered the hibernation and dietary needs of this domesticated breed. Hedgehogs rarely cause allergic reactions to those who have problems with pet dander.
Would you consider any of these exotic pets?
Photo Credit: Thinkstock
[…] would be a Mecca for crazy pets, but you’re be wrong. In New York City, there are bans on keeping certain pets – some that will surprise you, and some that seem silly and unreasonable. […]