Your site is a nightmare: an ad either creeping on from the side or popping up and playing every slide. You actually expect me to sit through 39 ads to look at dog memes? Jesus. And then you’ve got some a-hole posting vids of dogs fucking. Whomever designed your site ripped you off, big time.
I’m deathly allergic to Fabreeze and every photo comes with the same ad for Gain with Fabreeze. Talk about insensitive to hidden handicaps… Yes, the ads are OBNOXIOUS! The site is trash. I just thought you should know…
#39 is my Favorite.
That and “I Got Mugged” are my favorites. I cannot choose just one!
The 3 Toyota ads I watched in the first 4 pages were my favorite! I had to close the tab….
the last one made me lol
This would have been a great treat, but I couldn’t take all the ads-it just sucked
least clever memes ever
My favorite is #7, second is 39. I thought they were all adorable!
Dogs mating hard and fast approaching | Animals Funny Animal Videos Compilation
Your site is a nightmare: an ad either creeping on from the side or popping up and playing every slide. You actually expect me to sit through 39 ads to look at dog memes? Jesus. And then you’ve got some a-hole posting vids of dogs fucking. Whomever designed your site ripped you off, big time.
You are such a whiner. Why don’t you develop a website that meet your criteria and I bet no one will click on it because you are so boring.
I’m deathly allergic to Fabreeze and every photo comes with the same ad for Gain with Fabreeze. Talk about insensitive to hidden handicaps… Yes, the ads are OBNOXIOUS! The site is trash. I just thought you should know…
No one cares. You are obnoxious.
instagram: pompomchewy
[…] Of The Most Hilarious/Adorable Dog Memes Top Dog-umentary on the web: or on Facebook: […]