10 Dog Facts You May Not Know

2) That Circle Thing They Do?

You’re dog owners, just like us. So we know you’ve watched your dog stand up in bed, walk repeatedly in a circle, and sit down in the exact same spot. Then you’ve asked them, “What are you doing?”

Well, all dogs are descended from wolves and, as such, have many lingering instincts inherited from their ancestors.

Wolves often create their beds from long grasses. When they do, they circle for two main reasons: comfort and safety. Smashing the grass down makes it softer and more pleasant to lie on, simultaneously scaring away any dangerous bugs or snakes which may be hiding in the foliage.

So dogs circle as a result of hardwired wolf-y behavior which hasn’t been bred out despite generations of domesticity.

But why do they circle three times?

Well, we never claimed to know all the dog facts.

Honestly, your guess is as good as ours.



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