How many times have you referred to yourself as mommy or daddy when talking to your pets? Every day. How often do you swaddle your dog or cat like you would a baby? All the time. And while some people might think it’s crazy to treat your pets like your children, it’s actually a really good thing.
Studies have found that when you’re emotionally bonding with your pet, your brain releases the same hormone it would if you were bonding with your actual child. The hormone? Oxytocin AKA the love hormone, which helps fight heart disease, stimulates stem cells in bone barrow, helps with blood flow and even increases your libido.
Watch the video above to learn more about the benefits of treating your pets as kids, and the next time your friends and family make fun of you for giving too many kisses to your dog, or for dressing up your cat, show them the video. Remember, you can’t argue with science.
Do you treat your pets like children? Click the links below to see other great pet videos!
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