
11 Must-Know Water Safety Tips For Dog Owners

As the warm weather rolls in, you'll be more inclined to start swimming in pools and lakes. Of course you'll want to bring your best friend, your dog, along for the fun. But there...

HAHA: 32 Of The Best Dog Vines EVER

We just cannot get our fill of cute dogs, we just can't! And while cute dog photos are great, there's nothing better than a funny dog Vine. Vine is a social media platform that allows...

15 Questions All Cat Owners Need To Ask Their Vet

Sure, you've been bringing your cat to the vet for years, but have you been asking the right questions? There are certain questions you should ask your vet every time you go for a...

28 Reasons Why Rottweilers Are The Best

Rottweilers, like Pitbulls, have a bad reputation. Sure, like any breed, Rottweilers can be aggressive if not properly trained or socialized, but aggression really isn't a trait this breed is known to have. In...

28 Picture Perfect Dog Easter Photos

Before you know it spring will be here, and you know what means? Easter is closer than you think. While things like Easter candy and Easter grass should never come in contact with your...

15 Crucial Spring Safety Tips For Every Pet Parent

The warm weather is finally here! Before you know it, temperatures will really be rising, and it will be the perfect time to do all those amazing spring activities you love. However, as a...

Cats Who Are Super, SUPER Cozy Right Now

There are few creatures in this world who know the importance of comfort and rest like cats do. In fact, cats can sleep anywhere from 16 to 20 hours a day -- even more...

26 Adorable Kittens You Need In Your Life

It seems like everyone really enjoyed our post of the 17 cutest puppies ever, so how could we not round up cute kitten photos for all of our cat-loving readers? These kittens are so...

PHOTOS: Proof That Dogs & Cats Can Be Best Friends

For some reason, there's this myth that dogs and cats just can't get along. Sure, in some cases that might be true, especially if you're dealing with an independent feline and a rambunctious puppy....

101 Of The Worst Puppy Mills In America

Puppy mills are the worst place to adopt a dog. These mills do exactly what they sound like they do: over breed dogs, with an emphasis on profit rather than well being. Puppy mills...

11 Poisonous Foods You Should Never Feed Your Cat

Yes, cats are finicky eaters but they’ve also been known to get into human foods that can really hurt them. Just like the danger between chocolate and dogs, these poisonous foods below can be very...

17 Of The Cutest Puppies Ever

There are few things in life that can instantly bring your mood from a five to a ten. A child laughing is one of them. A kind word from a stranger can also do...

Breed Spotlight: 18 Pit Bull Facts You Need To Read

For today's breed spotlight, we're talking about Pit Bulls. These dogs have a bad reputation. But they are so much more than the bad name they're given. Pit Bulls can actually be sweet, intelligent and...

BREED SPOTLIGHT: 17 Incredible Facts About Labrador Retrievers

We just can't get enough of Labrador Retrievers. These dogs aren't just cute and cuddly, they are also incredibly fascinating! That's why we've rounded up 17 Labrador Retriever facts that everyone should know. Enjoy! They are VERY...

20 Fun Facts About Dogs

We're sure you spend a ton of time with your pup. And you probably think you know your dog pretty well, right? Well, we've found some fun dog facts that might just enlighten you about...

LOL: 15 Cats Who Are Just HYSTERICAL

We've rounded up 15 photos of cats who look like they just heard some of the funniest cat jokes ever. Not only do we want to enjoy these amazing photos, but we have also included some...

BEWARE: 15 Plants That Can Be Deadly To Your Pet

There's no denying that a plant or flower bouquet can really liven up a living space. However, if you're a pet owner, you need to be careful about the plants you're putting in your house....

10 Herbs To Improve Your Cat’s Health

Do you live somewhere with a garden or a balcony where you can grow some herbs for your cat?  Depending on the type, cat herbs can really improve your cat's overall health. The best part...
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