
Are fleas becoming immune?

A Google search for “Are fleas becoming immune?” will result in a repeat of this question paired with “Frontline” for the majority of the hits on page one of Google.  The reading is interesting,...

The Top 10 Best Dog Shampoos For Your Pooch!

We love our canine kids, but sometimes, they don’t smell very good.  It’s interesting that some dogs smell worse than others, but with their propensity to get into smelly things outside like poop and...

8 Steps to Bathing Your Cat

If you’re a cat owner, you may dread the task of bathing your cat.  Likewise, cats seem to have a sixth sense as to when you’re even considering giving them a dip in the...

The Easiest Ways To Get Rid Of That Pet Smell

We love our animals and having them hang out with us inside for as much togetherness as we can get, but there is one thing everyone can do without and that is pet odor....

Treating Your Dog’s Dry Skin

Just because your furry friend is itchy, does not mean he has fleas. Many times, pet owners revert to believe their animal has fleas at the slightest sign of an itch. However, if you...

Dry Skin, Fleas Or Mites? How To Tell The Difference

When it comes to pesky little critters invading your beloved pets, it is never fun trying to distinguish what they are and how they got there. However, it can be also hard to distinguish...

Dog and Cat Flea Allergies Symptoms and Treatments

It's that time of year again when pet owners need to be on the lookout for all the little pests that cause our pets grief. Fleas, ticks, mites and the like can cause miserable...

What Can You Do If You Bought A Sick Puppy?

No one wants to be faced with a sick pet. It is a helpless feeling when your pet is not feeling well.  They cannot tell you what is wrong and seeing the sad face...

11 Things to Look for in a Veterinarian

As a pet owner myself, I'll tell you right off the bat that I travel an hour one way to take my dogs to the vet. This is simply because I absolutely love the...

AWWW: Puppies & Kittens Taking Baths!

There are few things that can bring a smile to your face faster than puppies and kittens. Let's face it, there's just something about these two animals that make us happy -- and for a...

Groom Your Cat Without Ruining Your Relationship

For the most part, cats and water don’t mix – although we’ve seen some cats willingly take a swim in hot weather. Could their lack of affection towards water be due to those nights of...

Reasons Why Prozac Is Prescribed to your Pet

In a day and age where Americans take antidepressants more than any other drug, it’s not too surprising that veterinarians also prescribe them for their furry patients such as Pet Prozac. While antidepressants such...

Everything You Need to Know to Ensure Good Doggie Dental Health

Most people are excellent about brushing their teeth twice a day or more to maintain their dental health. But often, we do not take as good care of our dog’s teeth as we do...

Be aware of Senior Dog Dental Care Issues

Man’s best friend, as he ages, can require a hefty amount of attention in the way of vet visits, medicines, and procedures. We all know it’s well worth it, though, to keep your pet...

When to Visit a Pet Dentist for Your Dog or Cat

Gum disease, in both humans and dogs, carries more risks than just problems in the mouth.  Dog’s teeth build up plaque just like ours do.  Left untreated by regular brushing, plaque will harden into...

What To Do When Your Dog Eats Something They Shouldn’t

As the owner of four dogs, I've had my share of trips to the vet for one reason or another, but one of the scariest visits is the one where a dog has eaten...

The Health Risks of Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus or Dog Bloat

What are the health risks of Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus in dogs, commonly know as "Dog Bloat"or "Twisted Stomach" Dog Bloat can be a life-threatening condition in dogs if not treated properly. The word "bloat" is used...

Feeding Your Dog From The Floor or Elevated

  Is it better to feed your dog from the floor or a raised position? There's been a long-standing controversy over the benefits and dangers of feeding dogs from raised food dishes. Talk to two...
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