
BREED SPOTLIGHT: 17 Incredible Facts About Labrador Retrievers

We just can't get enough of Labrador Retrievers. These dogs aren't just cute and cuddly, they are also incredibly fascinating! That's why we've rounded up 17 Labrador Retriever facts that everyone should know. Enjoy! They are VERY...

BUT REALLY: Why Do Dogs Eat Grass?

Dogs and grass go together like peanut butter and jelly. So much so, dogs eat grass all the time.... but why? To find out the answer to these questions, we need to look to the...

YES: Seal Cuddles Up With A Dog

Every so often a cute animal video pops up on the Internet and reminds us how wonderful life really can be. Today, the video that is making us feel this way is of an adorable...

Removing The Smell Without Removing The Dog

Have you ever walked into a house and the first thing you smell is dog? And sometimes it’s wet dog or dirty dog? You know what we're talking about! Typically, dogs should be bathed about every...

20 Fun Facts About Dogs

We're sure you spend a ton of time with your pup. And you probably think you know your dog pretty well, right? Well, we've found some fun dog facts that might just enlighten you about...

Relieve Canine Constipation Easily

Let's get real: you know what it feels like when you are constipated.  Well, your dog has the same issue.  In fact, dog constipation is one of the most common health problems for pets. We’ve put...

As Weather Drops, Look Out For Dog Hypothermia

Your dog may have a thick coat, but did you know that extremely low temperatures can still cause his body temperature to drop leading to hypothermia? Just like in humans, dangerously low body temperature in...

5 Common Health Issues That Affect Small Dogs

Small dogs are absolutely wonderful. They are cute, cuddly and easy to care for. But they do have some health issues that you should be aware of before you adopt a small dog. Patellar Luxation This is...

Lyme Disease In Dogs: Symptoms & Treatment

You don’t have to live in the woods and be exposed to deer ticks for your dog to be diagnosed with Lyme disease. All it takes is one bite from a deer tick and Lyme...

Will Chocolate Kill My Dog?

If you’re like us, you probably give your dog table treats from time to time. While this practice is okay in moderation, you must stay away from giving your dog chocolate and here’s why:...

Canine Kidney Disease Symptoms & Treatment

Did you know your dog’s organs are identical to a human ones? Pretty cool, but this unfortunately leaves him susceptible to human problems, like kidney disease. Kidneys typically act as the filter for toxins in...

What is Parvo and How Do You Treat It?

Canine Parvovirus, or CPV, is an infection that is highly contagious.  While it is usually seen in younger dogs, adult dogs can also be susceptible. What are the symptoms and types of Parvovirus and how...

What Is Leptospirosis And How Does It Affect Dogs?

Leptospirosis is a disease that dogs can contract if they live in an environment with muddy, wet conditions.  These conditions are like those seen in woody areas near swamps and places where mud puddles...

Why Your Dog Is Really Eating Feces… And What To Do About It

So, you've noticed that after you take your pup to do his business, he starts eating his own feces. This is not a pleasant experience to encounter, but realistically, it's very, very common. There are...

6 Winter Care Tips For Dogs

Our dogs love, love, love the snow. Frolicking in it is one of their favorite past times during the winter. Even though it's fun for us and them to do, there are special winter...

8 Signs Your Dog May Have Arthritis

Arthritis is no laughing matter, especially when it comes to your dog. Canine arthritis is a serious condition that can super painful for your pup. Dog arthritis can be found in any breed, typically at...

5 Real Reasons Your Dog’s Nose Is Dry

There's a thought that just because your dog's nose is dry, it means he or she is sick. And while this is absolutely a possibility, a dry nose could mean many other things. We rounded...

6 Signs Of A Dog Ear Infection

We don't have to tell you how important your dog's ears are! That's why it's super important to make sure you're doing everything you can do care of them. Whether it's bringing you pup...
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