
Dog Food Ingredients to Avoid

If you have ever tried to determine what, exactly, you are feeding your dog, chances are looking at the dog food bag did not help. While there are a few brands of dog food...

Handling Your Puppy’s First Night At Home

The first night home with a new puppy is similar to the first night home with a new baby.  There’s a lot of crying for your puppy on the first night, without his mom...

Best House Dogs

We all know dogs are man’s best friend, no doubt about it.  We are a nation of dog lovers, and we love all shapes, sizes, and breeds, but just like each breed has its...

18 Incredibly Rare Dog Diseases You Need To Know

We often talk about dog diseases that are very common, and often, very curable. However, there are scary and rare dog diseases out there that we think every dog owner should know about. Even if the...

Trimming Your Dog’s Nails at Home

Your dog’s nails need clipping on a regular basis, and you can trim your dog’s nails at home. When your pet’s nails are allowed to grow excessively, they can become a hazard both for...

Does my Dog have Acid Reflux?

If you have acid reflux yourself, you know how painful it can be. The burning in your throat, the inability to eat makes you feel miserable. The bad news is, your dog can have...

Essentials to Have When Taking Your Dog on a Hike

  As the summer comes to a close, you may be planning one last great hike in the great outdoors with your faithful dog by your side.   There is something to remember, though: They call...

The Debate Between Praising vs Disciplining Your Dog

When it comes to training your dog, you need only spend about one hour of your day scanning a basic Google search to see that there are two major camps when it comes to...

Everything You Need To Know About Japanese Chins!

I recently had the pleasure of meeting a Japanese Chin and it changed my life. They are so cute, incredibly timid and well-behaved. While Japanese Chins are a dog, they act like an innocent and well-behaved...

Does Your Pup Have Small Dog Syndrome?

Often referred to in a joking manner, Small Dog Syndrome is actually a very real, very problematic issue for many owners of smaller dogs. It's all fun and games with your little terrier until...

The Real Dangers Of Canine Dental Disease

If you’ve ever experienced periodontal disease in either yourself or a loved one, you know how painful it can be. This is when your gums are swollen and infected which can create a leakage...

Signs And Symptoms Of Dog Anxiety Or Distress

Dogs may not be able to use words to communicate how they're feeling, but they certainly do feel things, and they have their own way of communicating. It's really obvious when your dog is...

Large Dog Elbow Dysplasia

We’ve all heard about hip dysplasia in dogs, but did you know that they can also suffer from elbow dysplasia? It’s true and that’s why we wanted to bring you some more information about...

Breed Spotlight: All About Australian Shepherds

A member of the herding group, Australian Shepherds stand between 18 to 23 inches tall and weigh anywhere from 40 to 65 pounds. Its lifespan is about 12 to 15 years and this is a dog...

Why Dogs Jump Up – And How To Stop It

When it comes to bad dog behavior, jumping up can be the most frustrating and one of the most difficult behaviors to correct. Part of what makes this difficult is the variety of reasons...

Caring For Your Dog’s Summer Skin Irritations

Dogs are carefree and most love to be outdoors, especially in the summer months when they are free to frolic and play with other dogs and humans who are also outdoors. In the midst...

Why Does My Dog Lick Constantly?

The constant and repetitive licking of surfaces and objects by a dog is a problem that many dog owners find difficult to determine. The licking may happen often or too many times, but because...

Bow Wow How-To: An Outdoor Dog Kennel

If you live in a rural location and have a bit of land, you may want to consider building an outdoor dog kennel rather than having her spend all day inside while you’re at...
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